Knowledge Base

How to clear the cache in WordPress

WordPress does not have a built-in caching mechanism. However, many people use a caching plugin to help improve performance.

When caching is enabled, some types of changes (such as theme modifications) do not appear immediately. This article discusses how to clear the cache so you can be certain you are viewing the most recent version of your site.

Before you try to clear the WordPress cache, make sure your own web browser cache is not storing outdated content. For information about how to clear the web browser cache, please see this article.

L3 Optimized for WordPress plugin and W3 Total Cache plugin

W3 Total Cache is a popular caching plugin for WordPress. In fact, the L3 Optimized for WordPress plugin uses W3 Total Cache to provide caching services.

If you have either of these plugins installed on your WordPress site, follow these steps to clear the cache:

  1. Log in to WordPress as the administrator.
  2. In the left-hand pane, click Performance, and then click Page Cache. The W3 Total Cache page appears.
  3. To clear all of the caches at once, click empty all caches.
    Alternatively, you can clear specific caches:
    • To clear the memcached cache, click empty only the memcached cache(s).
    • To clear the opcode cache, click empty only the opcode cache.
    • To clera the disk cache, click empty only the disk cache(s).

Other caching plugins

If you use a caching plugin other than the L3 Optimized for WordPress plugin or W3 Total Cache, consult the plugin's documentation for information about how to clear the cache.

More Information

For more information about using caching with WordPress, please visit