That means:
Since 2002 our team at Webhost.Berlin has been providing reliable, scalable, and secure web hosting solutions for individuals and businesses of all sizes. We pride ourselves on solid network reliability and responsive and friendly 24/7/365 customer service. It's taken a lot of hard work and we're never satisfied. We love what we do and we enjoy making our customers happy, and we won't settle for less.
We could tell you about all of our exclusive hosting features, but the truth is you care the most about the performance of your site. You know better than anyone that the longer your site takes to load, the lower your conversion rate, page views and user satisfaction will be. At Webhost.Berlin, your site is hosted on fast and reliable Dell or SuperMicro hardware. With over 15 years of experience we know best how to fine-tune our servers and switches. Further, we offer free Cloudflare acceleration for your websites, so they will never be down and load blazing fast anywhere in the world.
When you have a question, just send us a mail or open a ticket and we will be with you. At Webhost.Berlin, we offer REAL support. We hand-pick our support team and only choose the most knowledgeable, friendly and patient technicians. We are there for you 24/7/365.
Not only is site downtime annoying, but worst of all it means lost opportunity. This isn't something you'll have to worry about at Webhost.Berlin thanks to our 99.9% Uptime Guarantee.
Our 24/7/365 support staff featuring expert system admins work hard to ensure your server runs at its peak. We use industry best practices, feature the best data centers and make sure your server has the latest security patches. That's how we're able to guarantee that your site will be up over 99.9% of the time.
Since 2002 we have always had web and software developers in mind and have since worked closely with them. We haven't stopped loading accounts with the features developers love. If you are a developer and need to have certain features enabled in your account, just contact us.
Your account comes loaded with current versions of the most popular (and some not so popular) developer tools. We keep close attention to emerging technologies and support up and coming resources too. That's why when you need something, we'll be happy to tell you, "We have it!". If not, just let our around-the-clock support staff know what you need so we can get it for you.
Currently offering:
Since our launch back in 2002, BASIC Networks has tried to become 'green.' This was finally achieved a feew years ago. Since 2012 we use 100% renewable energy (solar energy as well as biomass and wind power).
We are supporting reforestation efforts and the development of clean, renewable sources of energy. In addition to being 100% carbon neutral, we have implemented a number of our own green policies like our employee telecommuting practices and the re-use of older hardware.